Archive for September, 2011

Why can’t it be Friday night?

what a day.

as it is, school ended really late for me ( ̄◇ ̄;) staggered home after tuition, and just flopped in front of the computer.

which i shouldn’t be doing, but i couldn’t help it! because all i wanted to do was slack (・_・;

and then i got all depressed again because i saw the details for takamina’s singapore visit. THE TSHIRT IS SO PRETTY.

i want it so badly, i want to meet takamina so badly! but ah. O levels. 25 days.


i could run over to the shop and just buy the tshirt, and a handshake ticket at the same time. it’s better than going for a whole long cafe event.

but should i? (´・_・`)

sigh. (that rhymes!)

we’ll see. for now i’ll just keep taking lots of naps during breaks and messing around in classヽ(;▽;)ノ


iPhone Distractions

more studying as usual _φ( ̄ー ̄ )

but as usual i always end up being distracted by my phone if i leave it in front of me. there’s just something that makes me want to poke it.

and that poke is fatal for my studying ( ̄◇ ̄;)

how frustrating!

i think i need to start deleting apps on my phone. because i feel so tempted to play with all of them, especially the photo apps ♪

yes i like taking pictures. of myself, uh-huh ( ̄▽ ̄) but i don’t like posting too many of my own photos online. people are shy!

so toto gets his big share of the spotlight.

in fancy schmancy photos…


and cutesy photos ☆


and all sorts of other kinds because he’s vain.

hopefully tomorrow i’ll be able to write a less pointless post.

Sunday Blues

it’s 12:08 AM.

darn ( ;´Д`) i didn’t update in time again. but that’s because i’ve been busy again. studystudystudy, i just studied geography for more than three hours! not just studied either, it included writing a million essays_φ( ̄ー ̄ )


and tomorrow i have to wake up early for school again. (cue sunday blues) that’s less than six hours of sleep i have. IT’S TOO LITTLE FOR ME ・゜・(ノД`)・゜・

still at least today was a little bit more productive than yesterday. and i got a reward in between ☆


i’m going to sleep now. blow my unfinished work, i need my sleep (´・_・`)

goodnight ☆

p.s. to people who have been reading my blog in spite of the recent lack of interesting updates, thank you all ♪

So Much for Subtle Sleeping

everyday i wake up at 6 in the morning for school, and i’m not a morning person at all. especially so early in the morning. (i fail to relate to idols who enjoy waking up at 5am)

during school we have silent reading during assembly, where we’re all expected to silently read while this awful piano lullaby starts playing.

so silent reading is my regular naptime ( ̄▽ ̄)

i’m an avid reader and i love novels like a cow loves its grass, but at such an early time, it’s just too easy for me to faceplant right into my book(;_;)

of course, i’ve never gotten caught before.

until today.


we had a uniform spot check. it’s where the teachers check your nails, hair, socks, and skirt length. just as well that my teacher’s a dude, so he usually skips the skirt and socks and just breezes past us ♪( ´▽`)

i got to have a five minute nap before i was interrupted by a pair of high heels and legs (actually my english teacher)

d’oh ( ;´Д`)

she was about to make me stand, but right then my dark blue hair scrunchie sparkled and winked at her ☆〜(ゝ。∂)

we’re only supposed to wear black accessories, so i got sent to get it changed.

yes! face saved. i’d rather be caught for inappropriate accessories then made to stand up in the middle of the whole assembly.

plot twist Σ(゚д゚lll)

…i’m sorry. i always end up babbling irrelevant stories of my life.


another ribbon! i recycled the chocolate wrapper ☆

Doodles in the Summer Cold

i didn’t have time to post again yesterday.

i’m sorry (*´□`*。)

but there’s only 64 days till i’m totally, absolutely, utterly free ☆

till then we seniors are camping it out in our school hall with the air conditioner blasting cold air as we study (;・∀・) i have my fluffy jacket and it works a treat keeping me warm, but it does get chilly sometimes.

so i doodle on my books to distract myself ( ̄▽ ̄) and invent completely useless winter versions of my strictly summer-only school uniform.


fluffy, fluffy all over ♪( ´▽`)

but if we were to step outside of the hall in all that warm fluff, we’d likely melt into a puddle of goo and just get washed down the drain.

what a pity.

such is the brutal heat in this pizza oven of a countryヾ(;´▽`A


Ups and Downs of a Day

when something brings you down, there’s always something, someone to bring you up again. or at least that’s what i like to think ( ´ ω`)

getting back my test results at school aren’t often happy occasions for me. usually i can ace stuff like english and literature, but math and science are the absolute pits.

today wasn’t an exception(; ̄ェ ̄)

i was in a bad mood because of that. i guess that was the downside of the day.

but there’s an upside: the people that help me back to my feet—friends.

my friends are the ones who still support me with a smile, and that’s all the encouragement i need to bounce back again ☆

that’s what friends are for, right? they’re there with you when you succeed, and they’re still there when you don’t.

for that, i’m truly grateful ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

and there are the friends who can’t always be there at the time. but i know they still think of me, so thank you too ♡


(this wordy post might be better appreciated if you listen to stardust serenade by momoclo or something similarly sentimental)

Wardrobe Deco

ah…i didn’t post yesterday.

sorry ・゚・(●´Д`●)・゚・ as usual, i was busy studying and floating around if i was having a break. so i conveniently forgot to blog. (゚Д゚)ゞ

just one day, it (probably) won’t happen again ☆

only 35 more days to O levels!

it really is brutal. 35 days are so short, yet so long.

but i’m keeping my head up thanks to the encouragement i have from my friends(^O^☆♪

i have my wardrobe door too!


i stuck some letters and photos and other nice stuff on it, so it makes me feel happier when i look at it. i couldn’t put any posters or my calendar because they were too big. boo. hiss. ( ;´Д`)

of course, it’s already enough ~ i love my wardrobe door a lot more now. of course, it’s getting a bit crowded as i’m fast running out of place.

oh well ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

on another subject, look at this ♪


see the ribbon haphazardly squished on toto’s head?

i made it out of a cup coaster and a paper clip ( ̄▽ ̄)v

…i know, i’m too free. but i quite like making these, it’s easy because there are tons of coasters and paper clips scattered around. the only downfall is that my mom always takes them apart soon after i make them because she has to use the coasters.

sigh (ノД`*゚)゚・:。.

well then, see you tomorrow ☆

Momokuro Love

i’ve been listening to momoiro clover all day! (⌒∇⌒) i was taking a break from studying, and for some reason i went online and started downloading the battle and romance album. the album tracks are amazing! i’m hugely in love with momokuro’s vocals, they’re so addictive ☆ especially kanako and momoka, their voices are one of the best i’ve heard.

even though it’s just wistful dreaming, i’ve always wished i had a good voice (ノД`) my voice is only good for talking and squeaking, so it’s a safe bet to say i’m on a completely different level below most people. for a while i did try to do fandubs, but i pretty much gave up. a good voice is not something i can pursue by myself (´A`。)

i wonder what it’ll be like to be someone with such a nice voice like kanako? or airi? or everyone in H!P? i’d want to sing all day long.

in my fantasies, i like to play that i’m one of them. the main thing i’m lacking is a nice voice. which, sadly, is the primary criteria ρ(・ω・、)

but like i said, i still have my dreams ☆ so for now, i’ll continue holding concerts in my dreams when i sleep, and dance to my heart’s content on a stage.

no pic today, so here’s the wassant i ate the other day ~

Candy PinkーYummy Earpieces

my earpieces broke today. one side sort of dismantled itself, so i couldn’t listen to any music on the bus ride to tuition (ノ_・、)

but after class i went to buy a new pair, i didn’t have much money with me so i just got the cheap, brandless ones. but they’re cute and of decent quality, so i love them( ´∀`)candy pink with stars in an M&M shape ☆

and  i started using them immediately ♪(゚▽^*)ノ⌒☆ that made me happy, because yesterday i mass downloaded a whole bunch of new songs, including MM’s new single! i kept replaying the bit where the two songs connected at the back and front, that was funヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ

i tend to replay my songs before they even finish. sometimes i just get this feeling like i didn’t fully relish the front part, so i just replay it again and again ( ̄▽ ̄)

plus i do behave weirdly when i have my earpieces on…if no one’s looking i can start lipsynching or dancing in my head, it happens all the time. of course it gets kind of awkward if someone sees me, but that doesn’t matter! because i always feel like everyone else who isn’t listening to the same music as i am at that time is majorly missing out.

Wassants and Letters ♪

i think i enjoyed today more than yesterday ☆ i’m getting used to the pre-exam intensive revision, because the graduating batch just does our revision and lessons in the big hall with the air conditioner on. so it’s cold, and i get to wear my fluffy school jacket ♪(ノ´∀`*)ノ

when i went home after school, my friend and i visited the bakery at the mall to buy bread. we do that on the days we skip lunch(●^U^●)because bread is yummy and soft, fuwa fuwaaa ♡

i got a pafu pafu bun and a wassant! wassants are the yummiest confectionaries ever, they’re soft and small and sweet.

cream wassant(*^・^)

yummy fluffy wassant, something to sweeten up my day!

and then i came home, and i got something even better ~ i received the letter from my friend in japan, it made me happy too! it was easy to distinguish in the pile, because the envelope had polka dots.

the letter was really sweet, it cheered me up a lot. i think one of the best things you can receive is a friend’s sincerity! it brightens your day ☆ so i hope i can do the same for her. i’m going to post my letter tomorrow, i hope…meh but i wonder if i can measure up to her cute letters, even the stamps from japan are so much prettier ( ゚д゚)

still, it’s the thought that counts. and i love sending and receiving letters, because the feeling’s so great whenever you exchange mail with someone ♡

▷ . Cheryl

A university student in Tokyo who takes pictures and puts them on the Internet

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