Archive for October, 2011


so tired that i just want to faceplant onto my bed now! now i’m supposed to be studying, but i just can’t concentrate. today was the additional math paper, it sucked_φ( ̄ー ̄ )

well it wasn’t that bad. i’m just not that confident about it (´・_・`) on the other hand, literature was a breeze ( ̄▽ ̄)

it’s only my second week of O levels, but i’m already getting all excited for the end. like really excited.

i want to shop for cheap clothes ☆ that’s my passion, yes.

and i’m definitely going to post more dances ♪(´ε` ) studying all the time gets me down, i really just want to get up and bounce around. for one of my upcoming dances, i’m going to go to *scape to do it because it can’t fit on my bed (・_・;

so many things i want to do! and i’ll be camping on the computer a lot as well. graphiccccs! i miss making them.

can’t do anything till after Os though ( ;´Д`)

meanwhile, these two can still afford to enjoy each other’s company in peace without the constant badgering worry of exams.


One Week Down

sorry i didn’t post for the last two days ヽ(´o`;

the first week of O levels are over! three more weeks to go. ahhhh_φ( ̄ー ̄ ) really hope i did well for today’s math paper (´・_・`) i felt pretty good about it, but who knows where the bell curve might chop me off? ( ;´Д`)

meanwhile, i’m trying to manage with as much motivation i can muster. friends have been supporting me too, i’m grateful ☆ i guess you could also say all the seniors are commiserating with each other.


zukki’s fantasy DX tshirt set i bought (looong long ago)! it just arrived. actually, i would’ve been annoyed that it took so long, but it came just in time during my exams so i’m satisfied in the end ♪( ´▽`) i’ve been wearing it a lot at home, because i love it and i love zukki. ☆〜(ゝ。∂)

one of my best friends also gave me S/mileage’s photobook as a gift. that made me happy(^O^☆♪ so now and then i look through it when i want to take a break. photobooks are the best.

and of course, i have alpaca-san to keep me company in his own little pen.


(toto will appear tomorrow)

Taobao GETS

finally, finally, finally ♪( ´▽`)

the stuff i ordered on taobao arrived! it took a few weeks this time. but i’m totally glad with what i got ☆〜(ゝ。∂)

(in case you’re not sure, taobao is like china’s ebay. the best part is i don’t need to use paypal!)

first off, a ribbon two piece top ☆ i adore two piece tops, they’re really fun to wear. this time i got a top in yellow…i don’t really have any yellow clothes so it seemed like a nice change. and it’s maimai’s colour (⌒▽⌒) +10


and then, a maimai photo! i got this on impulse. but totally worth it ( *`ω´) my favourite mai picture ever, i’ve always wanted to have it ♪ yeah the one in my banner.


and then finally…



i finally have my own little alpacaヽ(;▽;)ノ it’s the same one that watanabe mayu has ♡♡

now it’s an official new member of my family. not sure if toto’s taking so well to the newcomer though.


it has a fluffy butt. and alpaca-san is tiny, so i can actually carry him around (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

i wonder what i should call him…?

First Paper Blues

today was the first O level paper ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

english was okay…i got kind of down for a while because it’s supposed to be the subject i’m good at, but the comprehension and summary were tricky. and if i can’t guarantee an A1 for english, what would i do for other subjects?

but then i found out, almost everyone thought it was tough too ヽ(;▽;)ノ so i’m just going to hope the bell curve acts in my favour ☆

the essay bit was pretty okay though, i chose the narrative question as usual(^◇^)the topic was ‘Freedom’, so i wrote a story about the parallel perspectives of freedom in smoking. (this is the little summary i’ve been feeding to everyone who asked me what i wrote)

as it is, almost everyone chose that question. but i honestly liked what i’m wrote, so i just have to trust in my essay ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ writing’s one of my only few strong points, and i’m going to make the best out of it.

anyway, i went to the library again just now after the paper ☆


and snacked on taiyaki. yes.

( ̄▽ ̄; )

O Levels Tomorrow!


Pancake Fuel

just came home from the library! O levels start on monday. great(;_;)

my studying speed is slowing down. feels like swimming in pudding ( ̄◇ ̄;)


but i’m trying my best, i think (´・_・`)

meanwhile i need to stop snacking when i get distracted. today i ate another little pancake! but it tasted nice.


this time i got custard ☆ well truthfully, i like the ice cream better. next time i’ll try peanut cream maybe ♪( ´▽`)

after today, i really need to go into full gear! for starters i’m going to exile myself from the computer. i will, i really will try to ( ;´Д`) but i still have my phone (in other words cheating) so i’ll still be able to blog.

i hope i survive ( ´ ▽ `; )ノ

Deco Pic

i found an iPhone app called deco pic ☆ people who have iPhones and want a good purikura-style photo app but can’t stand those lame overrated ones with tacky stamps and frames, this app is recommended ♪( ´▽`)

oh and it’s free and not restricted to only the japanese app storeヽ(;▽;)ノ


this is the homepage. rather tasteful, actually. for once an app doesn’t display sample photos that are totally impossible to make on the app ( ̄ー ̄)

so i tried a picture.


cute and attractive stamps—lots of them! definitely the best part of the app ☆ sweet and a large variety of deco; my favourite are the alpaca stamps. you’ll definitely find stamps that you love.


not as plentiful as the single stamps, but the roller stamps are just as lovely. the only problem is that you can’t change the size (`__´)ゞ


pen tool is less fanciful and there isn’t a wide variety, but still useful for scribbling on the picture. the pastel colours are pretty sweet (⌒▽⌒)


nice and quirky Japanese fonts! you can choose different colours too, they turn out quite nicely.


finally, frames!ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ cute and instant, good for people who just want to quickly slap something decorative on their pictures. i particularly like this feature(^◇^)

and then☆〜(ゝ。∂)


the final picture ☆ meh it’s them again.

a pretty good app! it’s a nice change from those annoyingly tacky photo apps who claim to be ‘just like your kawaii purikura machines in japan!!!11’ please.

as a huge purikura lover i’m constantly looking for all these purikura-style apps, but failing most of the time because the good ones are all available only in the Japan app store.

so this is a fairly good find, i think. (^^)/

New Manga

i got the new volume of BLEACH, whee ♪( ´▽`) the chinese version.


after i finish studying i’ll have a good read ☆ haven’t really had the time to read manga lately(; ̄ェ ̄)one day i’d like to go to a manga cafe.

anyway, i drew fukuchan today. i was quite happy with the original black and white version at first, but then i don’t know what made me colour it. i opened the sketchbook after a while and hey presto, colours smudged.

oh well(;_;)


still, i hope it’s okay (´・▽・`)

Sweet Treats Fail a Diet

right now i’m waiting at a bus stop to go to school ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ plus tapping away at my phone while i type this post out. and listening to momoiro clover with my headphones. yup, this is good ( ̄▽ ̄)

earlier in the day i went to school for a short while too. on the way home i was obliged to follow my friend to get her lunch, and unfortunately we passed by a lot of food.

well let’s just say i K.O-ed immediately ( ̄ー ̄)


mini strawberry ice cream pancake ♪( ´▽`)

it was calling out to me, i’m not kidding(;_;)the picture looked so yummy, and the real thing really was as it seemed. YUMMY. /weeps

and that’s not all. i passed by the japanese bakery and…



hgyak ( ;´Д`)

it doesn’t look like the usual meronpan i see, but who cares…it’s pink ヽ(;▽;)ノ and so soft and fluffy, it disappeared as fast as lightning.

after Os i’m going to go running everyday at the park. for now i really need to stop snacking (´・_・`)

but i hope you liked the pictures anyway ☆

Library Mooching


▷ . Cheryl

A university student in Tokyo who takes pictures and puts them on the Internet

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