Archive for January, 2013

Neko Shoes


Sorry for not posting for two weeksgloom (deadlines, school, blah, same old thing)

As I expected, I’ve been swamped with things to do from the start. And when I do have free time I don’t really do anything productive, which is a little disappointing on my part.

Recently a pair of shoes arrived from Taobaokirakira

Photo 2


Possibly the cutest pair of shoes I’ve ever seen. Usually I don’t buy shoes online because I’m paranoid they won’t fit me, but I made an exception this time. Also because they’re a hundred dollars cheaper than if I were to buy it at the shop.

And anyway they did fitnekoJust about.

The only thing is that they’re 6cm platforms so I’ll have to pick an occasion to wear it where I don’t have to walk around much. Cute shoes aren’t cute anymore when you fall out of them.

yurushite nyan

I’m eating leftover salmon cubes right noweatMy mom gets more inventive with snacks at home every day.

Photo 1

I’ll try to update properly as soon as I canneko

First week of the year


How was the first week of 2013? The year has only just started but I’m already whining about it because it’s the middle of the school semester. The joys of assignments and deadlinesrabbitI don’t know how it happened, but the document in my phone containing all my deadlines disappeared. So from now on I’m going to write everything on a proper schedule bookcrySince it’s late, the good designs are all sold out—but at least the remaining ones are 30% off.


I bought a new journal for the year as wellneko


Last year’s notebook was plain, but this year there are (Ko)rilakkumas walking across it. I want to write every day so I need something eye-catching to keep me motivated.

And the last one—


A Sumikko Gurashi fileyey

Every year I get all the cute stationery.


Yesterday I went for lunch with BonheartSince she went away for vacation, I haven’t been able to meet her for a long time. We ate ramen togethertumblr_me96xdxu7A1qdlkyg


I really like set meals. It makes you feel like you’re saving a lot of money when you get a main course and they give you a drink and a side dish for free.

Bon gave me presents from her vacation as well! Thank you againheart

As for today:


Pandan cakehanaI like the green pandan colour.


My friends and I also met a puppy:


That’s all for todaynekoI haven’t been uploading my coordinates recently at all because I’ve just been repeating them.


▷ . Cheryl

A university student in Tokyo who takes pictures and puts them on the Internet

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